Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random shots of rural Guatemala

Some horses in a field near my house.

Katie enjoying my most prized possession here-the hammock on my porch.

Katie snapped this photo of a bromeliad while we were on a hike near my house a couple of weeks back. Bromeliads are everywhere out here.

A nice sunset, photo taken from just outside my gate.

The road leading out of El Naranjo.

1. I was walking home from El Naranjo on the road in the picture above when I came upon these men. They are all residents of El Naranjo and are working to improve the road into their canton. Here they have a culvert that they are moving to a point below. The older man in the middle asked if I had a camera and they were all pretty happy to have their photo taken, amid cries of Viva Naranjo!

My buddy, Eduardo, at the school in El Naranjo.

1. A couple of weeks ago I arrived at the school on what I realized was Fat Tuesday, known as Carnaval throughout Latin America. The school had organized some races for the kids on this day and I watched as each group ran. Here a couple of kids get ready, one intense, one disinterested.

A small rainbow on the road to Quivala.

Meat at the feria.

Playing some fris with the kids in El Naranjo.

The view from El Naranjo towards San Andres Sacabaja.